Happy Festive Season!
This past year of 2020 has been unlike any other.
February marked the 20-year anniversary of the founding of our travel business in Swansea, and we were looking very much forward to staying in touch with all of our clients so that we could attend to their various travel arrangements.
We were also excited at the prospect of escorting some small group tours abroad, taking much pleasure in seeing many lasting friendships develop, as well as introducing lots of you to some wonderful destinations.
And then it happened! The COVID-19 pandemic reared it’s ugly head. Travel plans were thrown into chaos amid lots of uncertainty. Overseas travel was no longer an option, and accessibility to all of the wonderful destinations within our own country became a problem with state border restrictions.
Just a note of thanks for the understanding nature of those who have had their travel plans interrupted. Lots of difficulties can present themselves when it comes to your refunds, credits or other situations unique to the travel industry. We truly appreciate your patience.
So we’re now taking this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a wonderful Festive Season and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year and, please, look after one another.
Following on from our W.A.I.T.T … We’re All In This Together campaign we send our greetings this year under the banner of “Let’s Get Boomin’ – Australia Wide”.
Sue & Chris
Updated Domestic Travel Advice
In previous newsletters we’ve tried to inform you of the most recent domestic travel advice available. However, in recent weeks, and even from day to day, changes are being made to the restrictions governing interstate travel.
We have absolutely no doubt that the authorities are making these changes in everybody’s best interests. Because of this we would direct you to www.healthdirect.gov.au/covid19-restriction-checker. You’ll be able to select each state individually for the most up-to-date details.

We like to look to the future in a positive manner at Swansea Travel & Cruise and because of this we’re looking forward to resuming our small group touring program in the second half of 2021.
This time we cruise the Baltic … 25 days! Nine Countries! Departure Date … 6th October, 2021
- An extended stay in Copenhagen before boarding
- the Norwegian Escape for our 12-night cruise for a fabulous itinerary:
- Tallin (Estonia); St Petersburg (Russia) overnight; Berlin (Germany); Aarhus (Denmark); Oslo (Norway); Brussels (Belgium); Paris (France); and a further extended stay in London after disembarking in Southampton.
- We’ll finish this tour with a change of pace – moving on from cosmopolitan Europe to the trendiness of Dubai for four nights.
The tour is fully escorted by us, Sue and Chris, from start to finish.
Be picked up from your home address at the beginning of the tour, and returned home at the conclusion.
Experience the wonderful features of Norwegian Cruise Line’s “Freestyle Cruising”. You’ll join us for a pre-tour get-together to meet your travelling companions; and there’s plenty more that we can offer you!
For more information and to register your interest, contact us now on 4972 1222 or bookings@swanseatravel.com.au.

Canada/Alaska 0 2022
We would also be very happy to register your enquiry for our 2022 small group tour to Canada & Alaska!
Since 2004 many, many overjoyed guests have traveled to this wonderful destination with Swansea Travel & Cruise, and Sue and Chris have been personally escorting the tour since 2008.
The fabulous itinerary includes Vancouver, Victoria, Whistler, Banff and, of course, the journey through the Rocky Mountains by rail as well as the 7-night cruise to Alaska through the Inside Passage.
Once again, for more information and to register your interest, contact us on 4972 1222 or bookings@swanseatravel.com.au.
Where will I travel when the W.A.I.T.T. is over?
‘There’s a destination somewhere for me’
… because We’re All In This Together
It may be:
- enjoying the Broome/Kimberley region and all that it has to offer!
- snorkelling – amongst other water sports – on Lord Howe Island!
- exploring convict heritage, as well as the scenic beauty – Norfolk Island!
- travelling our vast country aboard the Ghan (or the Indian-Pacific)!
When the world opens up again, the possibilities are endless.
‘I know, I’ll contact Swansea Travel & Cruise – phone 4972 1222 or email bookings@swanseatravel.com.au.
We’ll always hold fast to our mission statement that …
“Our clients work hard for their holidays, so we work hard to ensure that their holiday meets and exceeds their expectations.”